Atomics, Locks and Tasks

Atomics, Locks and Tasks

September 23, 2020
Chris Chan

Cpp Blog: Atomics, Locks and Tasks

These are my notes from CppCon from Rainer Grimm's talk titled "Atomics, Locks and Tasks".
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A data race occurs when two threads access shared state concurrently and at least one thread tries to modify the shared state. This could lead to undefined behaviour.
A critical section is a shared state which can only be accessed concurrently by at most one thread.
A deadlock is a state in which one thread is blocked forever because it is waiting for the release of a resource it can never acquire.


std::mutex is a conccurrency primitive that ensures only one thread can enter a critical section at once. It supports several locking related methods such as lock(), unlock() and try_lock().
Typically std::mutex is wrapped with std::unique_lock or std::lock_guard which are RAII (resource acquisition is initialization) wrappers. Both wrappers will call lock() on a given mutex on construction and call unlock() on the given mutex on destruction. A unique_lock offers a richer set of functionalities over a lock_guard. For instance, unique_lock allows the mutex to be repeatedly locked and unlocked.
#include <mutex> std::mutex m; // using lock_guard { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m1); // critical section } // using unique_lock { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m1); // critical section }


Atomic variables allows threads to concurrently access and update variables without data races. These synchronizations are typicaly achieved with hardware. std::atomics are typically used for primitive types such as int, bool, float, etc.
Here is an example of multiple threads concurrently updating an atomic variable
auto constexpr num = 100; std::vector<std::thead> vec(num); std::atomic<int> i; // create num threads that each update i 10 times for (auto &t : vec) { t = std::thread([&i]{ for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) ++i; }) } // join our threads for (auto &t : vec) t.join();

Acquiring Multiple Locks at the Same Time

Suppose Jim and Kate were sitting at the dinner table and there was only one pair of chopsticks. If each of them have a chopstick, one of them will have to yield their chopsticks otherwise no one gets to eat. It is best if one person acquires both sticks at the same time.
Similarly, threads should acquire mutexes of interest at the same time otherwise we could have a deadlock. std::lock accepts an arbitruary number of mutexes that it will attempt to lock at the same time.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(mutex1, std::defer_lock); std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(mutex2, std::defer_lock); std::lock(mutex1, mutex2); // can lock arbitrary of unique locks in an atomic fashion
In C++17, we can use std::scoped_lock which serves the exact function as std::lock except you do not need to declare the unique_locks before the function call.
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> scoped_lock(mutex1, mutex2);

Scoped Thread and jthread

When we spawn an std::thread we must always remember to call .join() or .detach() on it. Otherwise, our program will throw an error. Usually we will write RAII wrappers around our threads to automatically do this for us. Here is an example:
class ScopedThread { private: std::thread t_; public: explicit ScopedThread(std::thread t) : t_(std::move(t)) { if (t.joinable() == false) throw std::logic_error("No thread"); } ~ScopedThread() { t.join(); } // delete copy and copy assignment operator // we don't wanna end up with multiple instances of // ScopedThread calling join() on the same thread ScopedThread(ScopedThread&) = delete; ScopedThread& operator=(ScopedThread const &) = delete; }


Grimm describes tasks in C++ as a data channel where you have a sender with an std::promise and a receiver using std::future.

Tasks vs Threads

Here is a small code example comparing threads with tasks in C++.
int result; std::thread t([&]{ result = 3 + 4; }); t.join(); std::cout << res << std:::endl; // std::async is a promise auto fut = std::async([]{ return 3 + 4; }); std::cout << fut.get() << std:::endl;
Grimm shared a wonderful table in his presentation outlining the difference between tasks and threads in C++.
creator and child thread
promise and future
shared variable
communication channel
join call waits
get call blocks
exception in child thread
child and creator thread terminates
return value of the get call
kind of communication
values, notifications and exceptions

Parallel STL

Since C++17 the standard library has offered many parallelized versions of common algorithms such as sort, count, transform etc. The STL offers three execution policies for these algorithms:
  1. std::execution::seq = do sequentially in one thread
  1. std::execution::par = parallel execution
  1. std::execution::par_unseq = parallel and vectorized (uses SIMD for even greater speedup)
Note that (3) might not necessarily offer any speedup depending on your hardware and what version of compiler you're using.

Condition Variables

Condition variables (cv) enable you to synchronize threads. You can have a sender thread send notifications using cv.notify_one() or cv.notify_all(). You can have you receiver thread wait for notifications using cv.wait(lock, ...), cv..wait_for(lock, relTime, ...) or cv.wait_until(lock, absTime, ...). The ... is used for a boolean condition to tackle the lost wakeup and spurious wakeup problem. The lost wakeup happens when the sender thread notifies the receiver thread before it begins waiting so the wakeup is lost forever. The spurious wakeup happens when a receiving thread wakes up, only to find that the condition it was waiting for is not satisfied yet.
Here is a simple use case for condition variables
std::condition_variable cv; // sender { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mut); // use lock guard here read = true; } cv.notify_one(); // receiver { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mut); cv.wait(lck, []{ return ready;}); // ready is a predicate // do the work }
Typically promises and futures are preferred over conditional variables. However promises only enable mono directional thread synchronization where as conditional variables enable bidirectional thread synchronization.