Back to Basics: Concurrency

Back to Basics: Concurrency

November 11, 2020
Chris Chan

Back to Basics: Concurrency

These are my notes from Arthur O'Dwyer's talk from CppCon 2020 titled "Back to Basics: Concurrency".
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Thread-safe static initialization

Since C++11, the initialization of static variables is guaranteed to be thread-safe. After the first thread's arrival the other threads will block and wait for the first to succeed or fail with an exception. This technique can be useful for singleton classes
inline auto& SingletonFoo::getInstance() { static SingletonFoo instance; return instance; }

Initializing Members with once_flag

For non-static members initialization, we can ensure thread safety using the once_flag. This flag has a free function std::call_once that you can use to initialize a member variable.
The example below illustrates how you could use the once_flag to initialization the conn_ variable by passing a lambda to std::call_once.
class Logger { std::once_flag once_; std::optional<NetworkConnection> conn_; NetworkConnection& getConn() { std::call_once(once_, []{ conn_ = NetworkConnection(defaultHost); }); return conn_; } };

shared_mutex reader/writer lock

There are two ways to lock a shared_mutex. Using unique_lock as in void set(...) below will acquire an exclusive/writer lock. Using shared_lock as in int get(...) below you will acquire a reader lock meaning.
class ThreadSafeConfig { std::map<std::string, int> settings_; mutable std::shared_mutex rw_; void set(const std::string& name, int value) { std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lk(rw_); settings_.insert_or_assign(name, value); } int get(const std::string& name) const { std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lk(rw_); return; } };

C++20 counting_semaphore

Semaphore is thread safe counter; O'Dwyer likens it to a bag of chips. .acquire() removes a chip from the bag. If there are no chips available, it will block until a chip is available. release() returns a chip to the bag.
class AnonymousTokenPool { std::counting_semaphore<256> sem_{100}; // 256 = max count, 100 = initial counter value void getToken() { sem_.acquire(); } void returnToken() { sem_.release(); } };
A more RAII based approach to the token class above is the wrap the semaphores in a unique_ptr that calls .release() in its destructor.
using Sem = std::counting_semaphore<256>; struct SemReleaser { bool operator()(Sem *s) const { s->release(); } }; class AnonymousTokenPool { Sem sem_{100}; using Token = std::unique_ptr<Sem, SemReleaser>; Token borrowToken() { sem_.acquire(); return Token(&sem); } };

C++20 std::latch

Latch is a threadsafe counter that starts positive and counts down to zero. It is gate that waits for everyone to arrive at this point, then unblocks everyone simultaneously. It supports three main functions:
  • latch.wait() -> block until counter reaches 0
  • latch.count_down() -> decrements the counter, if counter reaches zero, we unblock all waiters
  • latch.arrive_and_wait() -> decrements and begins waiting
Here is an example of using a latch to synchronize thread outputs.
std::latch myLatch(1); std::thread threadB = std::thread([&](){ myLatch.wait(); std::cout << "hello B" << std::endl }); std::cout << "hello A" << std::endl myLatch.arrive(); threadB.join(); std::cout << "hello A again" << std::endl

C++20 std::barrier

Barrier is a resettable latch. Once the the counter reaches 0, it unblocks all threads waiting for it and atomically refreshes the counter. std::barrier exposes a .wait(), .count_down() and .arrive_and_wait() function as with latches.
In the code snippet below, you should see A and B both say that they are setting up, green flag then A and B is running.
std::barriar b(2, []{ puts("green flag, go!"); } ); std::thread threadB = std::thread([&](){ std::cout << "B is setting up" << std::endl b.arrive_and_wait(); std::cout << "B is running" << std::endl }); std::cout << "A is setting up" << std::endl b.arrive_and_wait(); std::cout << "A is running" << std::endl threadB.join();