Unscented Kalman Filter

Unscented Kalman Filter

October 10, 2020
Chris Chan

Unscented Kalman Filter

The unscented transform can be briefly summarized in 3 steps:
  1. Draw N deterministic samples from an input PDF.
  1. Transform these samples through a nonlinear function.
  1. Use the transformed points to combine the mean and covariance of the output PDF.
This examples uses a similar motion model to the EKF example in the previous post.

State Predict

The state predict is a 3 step procedure
  1. Generate sigma points
  1. Propogate points through motion model
  1. Calculate mean and covariance of sigma points

State Update

The state update is a similar 3 step procedure
  1. Generate sigma points
  1. Propogate points through observation model
  1. Calculate mean and covariance of sigma points

Generating Sigma Points

For a state with L dimensions, we need to generate 2L + 1 sigma points. We assume our state is Gaussian with a mean and covariance
We take the cholesky decomposition of our covariance matrix to obtain a bolded L matrix.
Sigma point can be represented below
This formula is reflected in the generateSigmaPoints function. We use
std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> generateSigmaPoints( const Eigen::Vector4f& x_est, const Eigen::Matrix4f& P_est, const float gamma) { const size_t L = 4; std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> sigma_points; sigma_points.reserve(2*L + 1); sigma_points.push_back(x_est); // do cholesky Eigen::Matrix4f P_sqrt ( P_est.llt().matrixL() ); for (size_t i = 0; i < L; ++i) { Eigen::Vector4f pt = x_est + gamma * P_sqrt.col(i); sigma_points.push_back(pt); } for (size_t i = 0; i < L; ++i) { Eigen::Vector4f pt = x_est - gamma * P_sqrt.col(i); sigma_points.push_back(pt); } return sigma_points; }

Recovering Mean and Covariance

After we pass our sigma points through some nonlinear function , where can be your motion/observation model we need to compute the mean and covariance of the new set of sigma points.
Our weight vector in recovering our mean is
Our weight vector in recovering our covariance is
std::tuple<std::vector<float>, std::vector<float>, float> setupWeights(float nx, float alpha, float kappa, float beta) { // nx = L float lamb = std::pow(alpha, 2) * (nx + kappa) - nx; float gamma = std::sqrt(nx + lamb); std::vector<float> wm(2*nx+1, 0.0f); std::vector<float> wc(2*nx+1, 0.0f); wm[0] = lamb / (lamb + nx); wc[0] = ( lamb / (lamb + nx) ) + (1 - std::pow(alpha, 2) + beta); for (size_t i = 1; i < 2*nx+1; ++i) { wm[i] = 1.0f / (2 * (nx + lamb)); wc[i] = 1.0f / (2 * (nx + lamb)); } return {wm, wc, gamma}; }
Using our weights we can calculate the mean and covariance as follows:
The summation of the weights with the individual sigma points for the motion model and observation model are very similar. We use a gain matrix K (similar to EKF) to propogate our state estimate.
void unscentedKalmanFilter(Eigen::Vector4f& x_est, Eigen::Matrix4f& P_est, const Eigen::Vector2f& u, const Eigen::Vector2f& z, const Eigen::Matrix4f& Q, const Eigen::Matrix2f& R, const float dt, const float gamma, const std::vector<float>& wm, const std::vector<float>& wc) { std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> sigma_points; // STATE PREDICT // generate and propogate sigma points through motion model sigma_points = generateSigmaPoints(x_est, P_est, gamma); for (auto& pt : sigma_points) pt = motionModel(pt, u, dt); // recombine sigma points to get predict mean and cov Eigen::Vector4f x_pred = Eigen::Vector4f::Zero(4); for (size_t i = 0; i < sigma_points.size(); ++i) x_pred += wm[i] * sigma_points[i]; Eigen::Matrix4f P_pred = Q; for (size_t i = 0; i < sigma_points.size(); ++i) { Eigen::Vector4f diff = (sigma_points[i] - x_pred); P_pred += wc[i] * diff * diff.transpose(); } // STATE CORRECT Eigen::Vector2f z_pred = observationModel(x_pred); Eigen::Vector2f y = z - z_pred; // generate sigma points, transform to observation domain sigma_points = generateSigmaPoints(x_pred, P_pred, gamma); std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f> z_sigma_points; for (auto& pt : sigma_points) z_sigma_points.emplace_back( observationModel(pt) ); Eigen::Vector2f z_mean = Eigen::Vector2f::Zero(2); for (size_t i = 0; i < sigma_points.size(); ++i) z_mean += wm[i] * z_sigma_points[i]; Eigen::Matrix2f cov_zz = R; // st for (size_t i = 0; i < z_sigma_points.size(); ++i) { Eigen::Vector2f diff = (z_sigma_points[i] - z_mean); cov_zz += wc[i] * diff * diff.transpose(); } // Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 2> cov_xz; Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 2> cov_xz = Eigen::MatrixXf::Zero(4,2); for (size_t i = 0; i < z_sigma_points.size(); ++i) { Eigen::Vector2f diffz = (z_sigma_points[i] - z_mean); Eigen::Vector4f diffx = (sigma_points[i] - x_pred); cov_xz += wc[i] * diffx * diffz.transpose(); } auto K = cov_xz * cov_zz.inverse(); // (4x2) * (2,2) => (4,2) x_est = x_pred + K * y; // (4,1) + (4,2) * (2,1) P_est = P_pred - K * cov_zz * K.transpose(); // (4,4) - (4,2)*(2,2)*(2,4) }
